Saturday, March 11, 2006

Polyphasic Sleeping, Days 8-12 (Tuesday through Saturday)

It's been a somewhat chaotic week for staying on the sleep schedule. I think what started it was taking extra back-to-back naps during the wee hours of the morning on Tuesday - I should space out naps from each other by at least 90 minutes. Twice now I've ended up sleeping through the night (including last night, between Friday and Saturday - I went to bed at 1:30AM [late for my nap] after eating a large meal and woke up at 8:30AM), while other days I've successfully slept only polyphasically. Either way I've felt fairly functional, and I've been napping during the daytime (8AM, 12PM, 4PM, 8PM, etc) regardless of how much or little I slept the night before.

I'm going to try sleeping on the couch or floor or something for the night portion of my cycle starting tonight. I think my bed is making it much to easy for me to fall asleep and stay asleep. I found another mode for my watch that causes it to beep once a minute in the five minutes until the alarm goes off, and then beep for 20 seconds; that might be more likely to wake me up. 20 seconds is kind of short; I've slept through it before even when I wasn't trying polyphasic sleeping. I need some sort of alarm that's much more insistent and has a tendency to repeat at five minute intervals unless some fairly sophisticated process is used to disable it (requiring a fairly awake and thinking brain).

The front living room has also been rigged up with curtains blocking it off from the bedrooms, and it has a full-spectrum 80W flourescent light, so I'm going to try spending the next few nights in there so I hopefully don't feel so sleepy from 2-6AM. I'm trying to eradicate the day/night rythm, and go entirely to a 6-7 times per 24 hour period sleep cycle, regardless of light/darkness - that's the theory, at least. We shall see how it goes!


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