Thursday, March 02, 2006

Polyphasic Sleeping - Day 3

In my previous post, I talked about beginning an attempt to become a polyphasic sleeper. I'm now on day 3 (roughly 64 hours since my last full night of sleep), sleeping only three hours per planetary revolution, and I don't feel that bad. Perhaps a bit more brain-dead than day 2, but still quite functional.

Today, I swapped circuit boards between a couple of hard drives (this required going to Sears and picking up an appropriate T8 torx screwdriver) and got one hard drive functioning, tested a failed hard disk and recertified it, studied an Adobe Photoshop book, took a walk, disassembled and tested a laptop battery pack (risky - may explode if shorted), retouched and file-size optimized a bunch of images and then converted them into a PDF document, read through a new 54-page webcomic, and posted a new piece of art to my deviantART account, among other things.

I still have to update my website, but I think that will have to wait for "tomorrow" (next waking period, from 12:30AM-4:00AM). It's about 11:50PM at the moment, so I'll be going to sleep at 12AM, and up again at, you guessed it, 12:30AM. It's a good thing I have dual alarms on my watch - I've been using a 30 minute countdown timer, backed up by an alarm set to go off at a specific time about 2 minutes after the countdown timer, and several times I've only been raised by the second alarm going off.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you, Wireball! When you master this, it should be a real advantage. I and several friends have various types of non-typical sleeping patterns, so I appreciate what you're doing.

Go for it!

John H. - feenix95

March 03, 2006 9:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here i am up at 5:30am i haven't had any sleep for almost a day and a half.
Seems to be a very appropriate time to read this as i know exactly how you feel. This is a very interesting idea i might half to give this a try. Though I will wait to see how you make it first. Good luck to you wireball :).

March 06, 2006 2:33 AM  
Blogger Wireball said...

Aw, I'm sorry to hear of your lack of sleep! Inadvertant or advertant? You might want to get a good night's sleep before trying the polyphasic schedule - I suspect it will make it easier to adjust.

Well, I haven't had any urges to kill, though I wonder why I keep waking up halfway to the front door with this bread knife in my hand... no, just kidding, I haven't had any adverse mental effects.

Also check out Steve Pavlina's experience w/ polyphasic sleep, if you like - his daily sleep logs are more detailed than mine, and he's been going on polyphasic sleep successfully for over 100 days now.

March 07, 2006 12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just insomnia i guess. When i finally did get to sleep i got over 12 hours. O_o I felt like crap when i got up. Im sure you know what i mean. Now im back to a more normal sleep pattern. Im getting ~8 hours a night. Which is the minimum for me to function properly. I really don't think polyphasic sleep would be right for me with my chaotic schedule.

March 09, 2006 8:45 PM  

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