This post regards the spam-handling features built into my Webhost,
Pair Networks.
I get a lot of spam addressed to, as the sole administrator of the domain, ever since someone stole the company credit card information from a verification server (not from us, interestingly enough) and for some reason used that e-mail address to sign up for pornographic sites. I'd just been filtering this at the client end (my end), but today I finally noticed that I can set up custom mail handling "recipes" right on the mail server, and one of the options is to
bounce e-mail addressed to a particular address.
Since I never get any legitimate e-mail at this address, I set it to bounce, waited a few minutes, and then sent my spam-plagued e-mail address a test message. It came back undeliverable, just as I had hoped. Since this is at the server level, as I understand it, it avoids the problem of replying to forged "From:" addresses.